Advertising & Communication Research


  • Pre-test: qualitative evaluation of an ad material
  • Post-test: impact, media effectiveness, effective reach, brand perception, call to action
  • Media exposure: the POE model
  • Audience surveys
  • Media consumption & behaviors
  • Website visitor’s evaluation


Advertising & Communication Research 1

Pre-test and qualitative evaluation

Qualitative evaluation of advertisements using clicks on the visual zones that attract the most attention from the respondents.

Impact barometers

Management of barometers of advertisements’ notoriety, satisfaction and impact.

de Persgroep Beiersdorf Rossel Advertising Aegis Media JC Decaux Nielsen BeWeb
Advertising & Communication Research 2

Media exposure: POE
The POE study of Havas Media or the share of exposure to brands in relation to the broadcasting channels: pay-for-view channels, private media or public media.

Advertising & Communication Research 3

Advertising impact

The 30-minute study or the memory of advertisements resulting from 30 minutes exposure to three different media, i.e. the PQ, TV and the web.

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Multimedia advertising impact

The case of M&M or the multiplier effect of the combined utilization of the web and TV which won the AMMA Best Media Research award in 2009.

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Audience surveys: CIM Outdoor traffic survey

CIM’s Traffic Poster study for which we recruit 3,000 people every year who during one week note all their trips in a notebook which is available either in a paper version or online.

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Media consumption and behavior
A study of consumption and research behavior on the internet in collaboration with iProspect.